​​This series can provide a helpful opportunity to share and learn from the often unseen and challenging aspects of academic research. The format is as follows:
Introduction to the Paper
The seminar will begin with a 15-minute introduction to the paper and main findings.
At the end of the introduction, the audience will be invited to take a brief 5-minute survey on Mentimeter to share their expectations about the project’s journey. The survey will include questions about the time taken from the conception of the idea to publication, the expected number of journal submissions, number of rejections, number of revisions upon conditional acceptance, the most challenging part of the research and so on.
Challenges and Solutions
This will then be followed by a 25 minute discussion that forms the core of the seminar where the speaker will delve into specific challenges they faced during the project and how these challenges were overcome. This can include challenges relevant to any stage of the paper's life cycle—from the initial conception of an idea, forming collaborations, and securing funding, to implementing the project, writing, submitting, and ultimately publishing the paper.
Comparison of Expectations
Following this, the seminar team will briefly present a 5 minute summary of survey responses of the audience and compare them to those of the speaker.
Questions and Answers
The seminar will conclude with a 10-minute Q&A session, allowing the audience to engage directly with the speaker.